[Schoology] Auto Imports Scheduler missed hourly execution on chef_environment:aws-live

August 12, 8:31pm

[Schoology] Auto Imports Scheduler missed hourly execution on chef_environment:aws-live

Status: closed
Date: August 12, 8:30pm
End: August 12, 8:31pm
Duration: 1 minute
Affected Components:
Teaching & Learning Schoology

August 12, 8:30pm

August 12, 8:30pm

The Schoology team determined that a job processing in the queue caused an out of memory error, which prevented subsequent jobs in the queue from starting. We removed the problematic job from the queue, which allowed the other jobs to process properly. Further, we have increased automated monitoring of the queue and are looking to put other measures in place in order to enhance its efficiency.


August 12, 8:31pm

August 12, 8:31pm

Incident closed.