Some admins may be unable to access the SharePoint admin center from the left pane in the Classic experience

October 14, 12:38pm

Some admins may be unable to access the SharePoint admin center from the left pane in the Classic experience

Status: closed
Start: October 14, 10:24am
End: October 14, 12:20pm
Duration: 1 hour 55 minutes
Affected Components:
Collaboration & Communication SharePoint (The Hub)

October 14, 10:24am

October 14, 10:24am

Title: Some admins may be unable to access the SharePoint admin center from the left pane in the Classic experience
User Impact: Admins may be unable to access the SharePoint admin center from the left pane in the Classic experience.
Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.


October 14, 10:49am

October 14, 10:49am

Current status: We're reviewing user reports and attempting to reproduce the issue in our internal environment to gain a better understanding of root cause and identify our next troubleshooting steps.
Scope of impact: This issue may potentially affect any users attempting to access the SharePoint admin center via the left pane in the classic experience.
Next update by: Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 5:30 PM UTC


October 14, 12:14pm

October 14, 12:14pm

More info: Admins can access the SharePoint admin center from the left pane in the modern experience.
Alternatively, admins can access the SharePoint admin center directly through this link, "https://tenantURL-admin/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx#/settings/NewPortalAsDefault" by substituting their own tenant URL for the "tenantURL" section of the link.
Current status: We successfully reproduced the issue in our internal environment and are analyzing this outcome as well as reviewing recent changes, correlation IDs, and Unified Logging Service (ULS) logs to gain a deeper understanding of root cause and inform our next troubleshooting actions.
Scope of impact: This issue may potentially affect any user who attempts to access the SharePoint admin center via the left pane in the classic experience.
Next update by: Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 8:30 PM UTC


October 14, 12:20pm

October 14, 12:20pm

Title: Some admins may be unable to access the SharePoint admin center from the left pane in the classic experience
User Impact: Admins may have been unable to access the SharePoint admin center from the left pane in the classic experience.
More info: Admins could have accessed the SharePoint admin center from the left pane in the modern experience.
Alternatively, admins could have accessed the SharePoint admin center directly through this link, "https://tenantURL-admin/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx#/settings/NewPortalAsDefault" by substituting their own tenant URL for the "tenantURL" section of the link.
Final status: We've discovered that impact was specific to admins whose organizations have opted to receive Private Preview features. We've confirmed with affected admins that disabling the offending code portion has mitigated the issue.
Scope of impact: This issue may have affected admins whose organizations have opted to receive Private Preview features and was specifically felt when admins attempted to access the SharePoint admin center via the left pane in the classic experience.
Start time: Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 3:00 AM UTC
End time: Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 5:20 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent change introduced a code issue that resulted in impact.
Next steps: - We're reviewing our SharePoint admin center update procedures to better identify similar issues during our development and testing cycles.
This is the final update for the event.


October 14, 12:20pm

October 14, 12:20pm



October 14, 12:38pm

October 14, 12:38pm

More info: Admins can access the SharePoint admin center from the left pane in the modern experience.
Alternatively, admins can access the SharePoint admin center directly through this link, "https://tenantURL-admin/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx#/settings/NewPortalAsDefault" by substituting their own tenant URL for the "tenantURL" section of the link.
Current status: We've identified a recent change meant to enhance the service may have inadvertently resulted in impact. We've disabled the offending portion of code and initial tests prove this was effective in mitigating impact. We're reaching out to some affected users to confirm that service is restored.
Scope of impact: This issue may potentially affect any user who attempts to access the SharePoint admin center via the left pane in the classic experience.
Root cause: A recent change meant to enhance the service may have inadvertently resulted in impact.
Next update by: Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 10:30 PM UTC